Tony Blair on Newsnight whatever you feel about the issues of war against Iraq, history is happening right in front of us, PAY ATTENTION! What did people think of Blair tonight, and did it change anyones opinions? I thought he came across very good. Managed to keep his temper which I'd have not managed with the muppets in the audience, and Paxo asking if he prays with Bush, wtf? Overall he seemed as sure as he could be that what he is doing is right, ..Saddam will soon be too dangerous to not take out now ..He's got weapons, but they haven't been able to find them (how the fuck not?) ..It's our duty to do what we're doing He went up a lot in my opinion. Seemed he was as sure as he could be that he was doing right, but would feel a lot more sure with the other permanent members of the security council backing him up. I wouldn't want to have to make the decisions he's having to, and there's no higher authority to check with, the buck stops with him (or Bush). He didn't seem he was 100% sure, despite what he said. At least he looked like he was being honest and not trying to avoid questions Newcastle looked fucking amazing in the background too. Timed so the sun was setting through the recording too, mmmm pretty!
im frightened to leave the office, if i do, my mam will hear me and ill get wrong for being up past my bed time
i fell asleep while reading the message board, sat upright at the PC? i dont think that would work somehow
I think this is a big mess created by the UK and US in the first place and the main reason France etc. don't want to show their support yet is that they want to see us squirm. The reason the US seem so sure they have biological weaons is because they helped iraq create them in their wars against Iran. That's not to say they still have them, they used shit loads on their own people, though it couldn't be that long until the work shit out for themselves. While useing chemical weapons against your own people would be reason enough to go for Saddam, the biggest thing our countries need to do right now is schmooze the Middle East. We might see what we're doing from our perspective but propaganda is a far more effective weapon than bombs. If Saddam's PR machine turns this into some kind of holy war, we're fucked basically, because even if we get rid there'll be plenty more people I'm sure keen to exact their revenge. The last thing we want is to turn him into a war hero or a martyr.
What a huge mess. I'm pro nato/France, Germany, Belguim, Russia. This is and always has been a war based on greed and power. Both the American and British masses are against war, yet our so called democratic governments are going against public opinion and charging head first in an un-necessery war. Fortunatly both France and Russia have huge invested interests in preventing a war (they have dibs worth billions on the oil reserves to date, where as america has non - and just like local hardmen America is relying on its muscle to intimidate and take what doesn't belong to them). As for the asylum issues... Tony Blair is a George W Bush in the making, what a fucking plank... The problem isn't too many asylum seekers its too many bogus seekers and a relaxed asylum system. As human beings it is our nature to help neighbours in need... Not send them to their death.