i know yeah i feel as if i aint sum of ya's 4 agees!! johnny u n chris should come round ours or daves 4 a drink before if ya want!! xxx
im going out tonight now too wasnt guna but why not eh??? rachel - i aint seen you for aaaaaages, or it feels it anyway!!
oh, rach..... i posted a CD round @ your b4 Xmas for big Dave...any ideas what happened to it? :spangled:
good good!! aaww i havent half missed ya's finkin bout it!! kerry is u gonna be round jeffs/daves/joes before too...??!! u betta be cos we aint had a good chat 4 agggeeeees!!! mwah!! xxx
fanking u!! and same to u my friend!! aahh hahaha u n johnny havent heard all bout ma new years eve yet hav ya's neither hav u kerry aawww bless yas am afraid ya's r gonna get ur heads blagged 2nite when u come round hehehehe!! xxx
sowwie jeff, just the way rach said i fort she was coming round ures. Rach - i dont mind u blagging my head sweetie, ure fun to listen to, just speak sloooooowley so i can understand ya Jackmaster - Happy new year chick, hope ya had a good'un
ahhh i remember this rach!...i was listening to dave pearce on the radio and i heard about the jules comp and i remember thinking that i shoulda entered it for you!! then 10mins later i could nto believe it when i heard your voice! was so happy hearing you win