Tom Jones .... I went to the Carling Academy last night to see Chicane with a few people from work. They were alright actually, and Offshore and Salt water went down a storm, but right at the end the lead singer said for the last tune they had a very special guest to sing the last tune which if you know any of their current tracks is Tom Jones ... .... nobody believed it and we all expected some lookalike or a video to be shown. ............. then they bring TOM JONES on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole place went mental, even though im not sure anyone there was probably a TJ fan - but it was just so wierd being in a small crowd and him singing the last tune, that everyone thought it was brilliant. Everyone walked out laughing, and totally shocked. Never thought i'd ever see this guy in real life, let alone sing. Gotta dig that orange skin and insanely black dyed hair - what a total legend!
thats CLASS! he was on jonathan ross on friday night, dyed goatee beard and all! i quite like the tune, typical chicane ... but he's a RIGHT munter
He was a proper shade of orange like - and that jet black hair.... insane! As much as it was a pop tune - it was quite good when it was being belted out live
Tom jones = leg end totally quality ! Saw a picture of him and his son and he looks ten years younger than his kid ! haha ! bet hes knicked a few birds of the snivling lil shite as well haha ! T J =
Re: Tom Jones haha thats amazing, i can't stand the song but even i'd be singing along live if Tom Jones was there