Today What a lovely day it is aswell. Sun shining, cool breeze and a set by talla 2xlc playing in the back ground. All i need now is our lass to come back to life after going to see Lisa Lashes last night and i can make use of this beautiful day. Any of you lovely peeps doing anything nice today?
well...... tis lush and sunny today but im going to watch the man u match at 12, then i aint sure wot im doing, but got to be at egypt cottage early 2 set things up for tonight! ahhhhhh beautiful sunshine!
Tis a really nice day and I have to do uni work!!! Still, I might be going to Wet n Wild later so that shud be fun!
It's nice to be back in Newcastle! Been stuck down London for the last two weeks with work so glad to finally get back to "normality"!!! Pished off tho as I've not been paid my expenses yet, or wages from last job so I'm skint until next tuesday
we finally got the sun when it was about to bloody set my towns crap tho it could be sunny in glasgow and snowing in east kilbride