today is suppose to be another hot one and im off work, got cash on the hip but guess what, nothing to do well i do the last resort is do the garden like but i wanna do summit fun anyone got any ideas
thats a quality idea if it did have 2 things wrong with it my bike is a really good bike specialised but hasnt been used in ages and the gears and cogs hav seezed up in the winter i had planned on taking it into halford but just never got round to doing it thanks for the concern with the water tho cheers pal any other ideas>? i kna what would be good the old nurf vortex in jesmond dene, nice wheather, can see the animals, take dab radio along with batterys, and fit chicks to throw the thing at
halfords are not really great to take a bike for a service - go to a local bike shop for a better price sitting at jesmond looking at the flowers sounds like a good idea as well like
get some WD-40 or some 3 in 1 on your gears, should sort them out I'm going out on mine today for a 10 mile ride, then gonna do some work on the car, then out on the neet
im heading to the gym for an hour in a lil while for a good long run, and then usally just like having a laff, im gunna get my book dome so i can ride up plessy woods