Today i went to... Madame Tussauds... it was well, good. For those who are clueless its where they have all the waxwork figures of famous people... Not been since i was about 5, and have to say i really enjoyed it...being a tourist in my home town The scary thing is they all look too real, and some of the other tourists look like wax works... Chamber of Horrors was pretty damn good.
oh they had a wax work of sadam hussein, but how they got him to sit still to be modelled is beyond me... do u believe voodoo dolls work?
ive never been to madame tussards. really want to go like. shall have to attempt to make the journy to london one day. altho i have a problem with crowds so maybe not.
was pretty quiet today, no queues, just walked straight in... choose mid week, preferably not slap in the middle of summer hols though, then u ll be fine...