Tits with image station I have just spent 3 hours trying to download images from last night. Some real cracker to. image station is driving me mad!!!!!!! any one got any better ideas for a photo album host. my life is running out at a fast rate and I want to spend it doing fun things not P****** about with this crap. Help Help Help!!!!!!!!!!! Oh by the way its not Mark. Its his Dad. For some reason My computer thinks it belongs to mark!
I used to use www.yahoo.com until it got too unreliable. I'm not sure what its like now. http://www.picturetrail.com/ is another one. Never used it tho. Or http://photos.fotango.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi Never used that either. Or you could always post them on www.harderfaster.net They let you create your own galleries if u register with them. Depends how long u wanna spend uploading tho. The guys at www.skiddle.com would probably be happy to host them too. Email ben@skiddle.com if u want. I'll let you know if I think of any more options.
or u cheap buggers could actually just get some webspace! sign up for freeserve or summit man!, theres 25meg straight away for ur pics. Im on zen and u get 50meg, full ftp access, what more u need?
why doesn't promise have a 'proper' gallery thing where people can upload their images from the night?
Promise Quality web gallery Marks Dad Rob View-2. Thanks for all the help with web galleries. will try them all out and hopefully pick the best. I have got loads of interesting images and it seems a shame not to have them viewed. Every one I talk to when I`m out and about on the floor wants to know where they can see their wonderful faces!! but its almost imposible to explain the complexity of imagestation with all that "din" going on in the background. Your suggestions are "right on" the profile of the club would be much better with an active home gallery. much easier to use and view. The more interest the better for the club. keep them comming in and hopefully those at the top may see the benefit.
Promise's Rob did suggest creating a gallery once a little while back. He said he was going to look into the cost etc.
a site i used to moderate on had a gallery, the pic sizes were restricted and so where the actual kb`s of data and in the end it had to be taken down as it was useing far to much bandwith, we were constantly digging into our pockets to try and fund it, advertiseing deals and banners were brought in, in the end the site had to remove the gallery to help ease the burden, i left not long aftaer, after nigh on 7 years as being a admin, shortly after i left they started asking for donations from members to help cover the bandwith costs if theres a gallery installed it might be wise to stop any hotlinking to save sum juice for the long run
Turn It down Mark I`m trying to talk Been saying that since he was in nappies. never made any difference. I must have been an unsypathetic parent or something. Any suggestions as what to do next time!!!! Think we will try for a Daughter. I am told they dont make so much noise. Marks Dad.
re: promise webspace This would be really useful because as I (and a few other board members) take loads of pics every night for everyone's benefit I dont see why hosting should come out of my own pocket seeing that my bandwidth allowance gets zapped usually within an hour of posting.
Alright Rob ya probably dont recognise me without me shades on lol I was in a little bit of a mess on Friday night but can I remember you telling me that im in M8 magazine ?? Have ya had any luck downloadin the pics yet? rememba ya takin quite a good one of me and my lass. Anyway see ya on 27th no doubt