tired so tired. my eyes feel horrible and heavy, not good when at work dont think ive ever felt not tired in months pah this work lark isnt good for your health
Re: tired Lmao work is too blame is it !!! Nowt to do with weekend madness each n every weekend lol !!
i get like that when im teaching! ...end up sleeping all day on saturdays!!! good job its crimbo tho chikc, means u can chillout and sleep lots...make the most of it! xx
tbf tho i dont ever go out both wkend nites and i dont even go out every wkend anymore and i still sleep for at least one of them nites fro a long time and still feel tired
ha ha wish i cud im only gonna b able to hav lie in xmas day, boxing day, and the 29th im at work or doin stuff other days
Re: tired You been to the Dr's about it yet, Rach is going soon, cause you've both seem to have the same problem. There is a million different reason's, better to get it checked out, and when you go, he doesn't ask to take a blood test, you should ask him if he would.
I finished 2pm last Friday, until the 4th! I can't stay asleep though, keep waking up ay half 10 and that!:evil:
Same Here!....ima student tho, shudda finished earlier! ahh well! 2wks off, whohoooo!!......got a shit load of planning to do tho!! still 2weks of lie-ins! x
Go home put a bit of Anastacia on, maybe Sick and Tired would be a good tune to play. The lyrics are: I lost my peace of mind Somewhere along the way I knew there's come a time You'd hear me say I'm sick and tired of always being sick and tired I am sure that will cheer you up.
nice wan.. its a c unt when you cant sleep in.. i wake up at about 6/7 on sats & sundays claire > cant do you work gotta go xmas shopping then to the pub with sasha.
maybe for 1 but not many like im going to buy a bag and sum boots youre also very hopeless at shoppng and need my excellent advice the amount of ppl ive been shoppin with/gave advice to or ideas is loads!!! nu career change - get paid to take ppl shopping
Totally! Are you even in bed at them times on a Sat + Sun? I keep getting up for the toilet, something I never had to do. I used to be able to sleep for 15 hours solid, those were the days!
not normally.. my house is normally full ...but im getting better at going to bed at weekends nowadays... no more thurs > monday sessions sash > damn right im shit.. its only stus present anyway.. he can have some potatos or something..