Tinnitus After 6 hrs of goodgreef vs inside out, my ears were fked last saturday. They are still ringing now - does that mean i have permanent tinnitus anyone? Surprised if so, ive done longer with no aftert effects, but 6 days?
Re: Tinnitus yay ussr patriot is back possibly does mate... 6 days of ringing in ya ears can't be a good sign
I'm gonna try wearing earplugs 2nite, see how that goes, just nicked a box of em from the shop floor at work that had better stop anything further being damaged, i value my hearing
Any ringing in your ears is permenant damage geeza. If you are still experiancing ringing after a few days a would see your doctor to make sure it's nothing serious (it prolly isn't but it's your hearing so why chance it).
I've been using earplugs for the past 2 years now, dont want my hearing to deteriorate anymore - my right ear is still not the same sice i went to Creamfields 2003, when i didnt put my earplug in right.
I honestly didn't think people even contemplated putting in ear plugs to go clubbing, shouldn't the club's sound system be legally restricted to a certain number of decabels for the size of the club? Not that I'm complaining tbh, I love it that loud, but if I was going every week I wouldn't want my ears getting fucked from it. I'm sure you could sue the club for that?
I once burst a ear drum at Cream and had blood dripping out of my ear on the drive home. I WAS SO FUCKING PROUD!
my ears ring until i sleep, when i wake up they are fine... however my mate gibbo has ears which ring for a few days always, depends on the person. 6 hours aint a lot of loud music either, i would defo get it checked out, anne savage has permanent ringing in her left ear, so it can happen. just fyi, it aint your ears ringing, its actually your brain ringing or something, replacing the frequencies the ear can't hear because the brain has had the sensors damaged or something along those lines, im not a doctor, i just know something remotely why
wouldnt worry too much like...as u know, my ears ring all the time!! Who spotted the patriot with those big headphone sound deadener things on on friday nite then??
I thought it was you that had tinnitus, wasn't sure tho Spose it isn;t much to worry about then, trance_fan can still mix (Sorta )
My left ear starts to hurt if i spend too long dancing near the left speaker in Foundation. Does get quite painful and i have to move away from it. Never get ringing though.
i used to get ringing all the time but recently its just gone... remember comin out of sasha@shindig only a few months ago an my ears where goin like big ben.. now... quiet not sure wether thats good or bad tbh...
Yeh, I aint worried....dunno if it's tinnitus though? From what i've seen and heard, tinnitus is a hell of alot worse, my ears only ring a little bit.....always ring tho, have done for as long as i can remember, even before i started clubbing! Shut it, you tart!