he was class, shame the crowd were full of tosspots, not that i really knew wat was going on anyways and a big round of applause to miller and cokee for making it to glasgow and completley missing the guy
the arches set up was just stupid shoulda just left it the way it normally is with the decks in the middle of the main arch rather than putting them at the bottom...heard it was so there wasn't too many folk trying to push to the front to see him but im afraid id say it was far worse like that! And the crowd he pulled in last night was full of complete twats! But it was def a fab night tho loved tiestos set once again, and it was lovely to see some familiar faces up from promise for this one Play doh nice to finally meet ya babe same with aaron, slash, damo(not sure what ur name is on here ) fiddla and anyone else i bumped into
haha, wullie d was ------ mint, tiesto mixing is just well perfect, the crowd was full of wankers nothing like what the last IO was like and i agree about the set up worked so much better @ picotto & Fergie and id like to take the time to appolige for the horrible mess i was in back at the hotel
wullie dee def done us all proud it has to be said the boys a legend was well chuffed when i was told he was gonna be playing last night he's done it a few times now but when he plays vriframa - cristalle it just made my night i totally love that tune. ha ha i think a few folk were in some states back at the hotel but it was well amusing u missed the water fight after u crawled back to your own room lol mik, kel and jimmy decided to soak one another Cant get over how bad the crowd was tho some idiot literally took hold of my arms and moved me out the way so he could stand where i had been quite happily standing drooling/dancing at tiesto
i was locked out till 7:30am n then the cleaner lady let me in the room, glad i was sat outside the right one, i thought i was about 3 doors down staying a good distance from the fire extingishur (sp?) then cudnt see a thing in the room n had to sleep on the floor
LOL bless did u sit outside the room for ages?? I cant mind what time u left the other room at. Oh aye u said the fire extinguisher was talkin to you or something?? (im sure us said that anyway but i could be making that up like lol):spangled:
it was laughing at me, or at least i thought it was, n i was sat outside for about an hour i think i cant quite remember
i knew it was doin something crazy least i was on the right tracks and not just thinking the whole thing up jeez cant believe u sat outside all that time lol
fuck knows what was goin on last night like! i was gettin pissed off with the amount of dickheads that wudnt ,move out of the fuckin way when un were tryin to get past the fuckin arrogant fuckers. have to say sorry to steven like. didnt recognise you mate as u probs relised i was canny trollied! lost every1 canny early on and didnt have my phone and cudnt find any1 for ages. probs will go bk again! hopefully the crowd wont be as busy and full of such pricks. willie d for promise i rekon like! outstanding dj! gets the crowd goin aswell!
Tiesto was class Shame bout the setup, every1 crammed to the front, pushin n stuff. Loadsa muppets there too. ...But the tunes were wkd. Hi to everyone i met (briefly) See y'all @ next promise hopefully. Tiesto - Adagio for strings
craig its not normally got such a bad crowd, thats one of the worst i've seen in a long time babe and hopefully the last! wither you had your fone or not it wouldn't have worked we dont get a signal inside the arches anyway And i agree about wullie gettin to play promise id def be down for that one like as im sure most of my lot would be!! chute - cant believe i didn't meet ya hunni gutted if ur comin down for febs one then def let me know and we shall def meet up at that one!
Feb... Yeah sori, was late goin out, so missed u. Thinkin of headin down for Feb Promise, then up for Inside Out on the saturday, that would b a mental weekend. Hopefully c ya then
Simon Foy and Guy Ornadel wiped the floor with Tiesto i thought along with me mates ! Ornadels mixing was tight as fuck and the bass line was just fuckng off when he was in the mix ! The club was class and well fucking big too - deffo going back there in the not so distant future l Class weekend for me mates 21st, added bonus of a red light district round the corner from the hotel too
I didnt know actually - if it was him then he was better than Tiesto too then ! I will remember to climb into the DJ booth next time and get a close up cos we werent in the main bit at all - on the outsides of it !