I thought Armada was a Tuesday?!?! Meganite used to be on Mondays at Privilege didn't it? Wonder when that's moving to?
Armada is on a Tuesday but I heard it wasn't on this year & Armin was booked for Cream!?! Starts the 7th July - SWEEEEEEEET am there from the 12th for 2 weeks!
armarda if defo on this year!!! Its more how it will effect cocoon which i doubt it will, especially if they start charging 50euros to get in. It was good to see tiesto there last year but doubt we will this year!!
meganite was on a wednesday night last year. gutted i'm not goin to ibiza this year. gonna try and make it over for a couple of days but i cannot see it happenin.
Looking lush with his stud like.....! He will make a total fortune off this!! He was good last year at the party we went to, obviously it went well so he's repeating it this year.
this should be excellent. i reckon now hes dropped his elements of life tour, next year hell be the djmag no1 again. cant beat tiesto when hes just playing a dj set and not just his own tunes.
i reckon i'll be game for that like. especially since i hav just had a pay rise and i am gettin a nother one in a few months so i should hav plenty of money saved by then.
we'll have to see then as I am suppose to be going to Mexico with the bird start of next year so might be tight for dollar
some canny & some shite supporting acts on this aswell. Chris Lake, Mat Zo, Cosmic Gate, Alex Kunnari, SVD, Airbase whilst Riley & Durrant to host the back room in association with Galaxy. Just for ppl that didnt read the 2nd post on here