tidy weekender ticket for sale!!!! well due to unforseen circumstances a ticket has become available for the tidy weekendr!! anyone intresed give me a pm or ring!!! lucky applicants will be sharing wif joe!!!!
PRINCE MAXER AINT GOING TO MESSY TIDY SO PRINCE MAXER HAS BEEN RELIGATED TO AN APPRENTICE MAXER!!! until he produces some good hardcore maxin to prove him self! lots of love maxer!
The temptation was too much... See ya's @ tidy weekender Altho im REALLY considering going down on Saturday morming/afternoon like...... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
lol!!! no king max has tooo work but will be maxing it when yas are away and plenty maxing will be had this weeknd!! me finx i will show u apprentice max!!! hehehe
yeah but us at tidy also have signum, added to that we also have SHOKK, scot project, yoji, tidy boys and tons more... ...also a certain mr gielen is playin at good greef just down the road soon, at tall trees