TiDy WeEkEnDeR 6!!!!!! Just ignore the first ones.........Man!!!!!!!!!! Anyhoo here are all of the photos from the HALLOWEEN night at Tidy!:bonkers: :bonkers: :bonkers: :bonkers: :bonkers: :bonkers: http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=2673030093 [SIZE=5]PASSWORD IS: kelkay[/SIZE]
aaaaaaaawwww linz's we were all gutted u werent there!! in fact i still have a pressie for u! will give to claire to give 2 ya!
oh a pressie for me im excited now will have to catch up soon enough we all havent been together for AGES
deffinately!!!!!! i think andreas birthda is in 3 weeks so we will probs all see each other then i'l probs c claire next week to give her ur pressie
wouldnt get excited linzi its only some rock!!! lol nah only messin i dunno wot it is didnt even know she had got u somethin.
so it was you guys in the scary black mask thingys... they scared me in the arenas! almost as much as the evil clown things going around.