This Friday! MIKE and Yves Deruyter B2B... Who'll be in attendance? I know there is a forum dedicated to this event but not many people venture those grounds!
Can't make it this week. Wouldn't have minded either. At least i've got Yoji to look forward to though
I`ll be there, the line up is class, also watch out for a bigger crowd than usual due to the better than usual line up, more evidence to MARK about my suggestion of improving attendances, i.e having more than 1 headlining DJ on more often, last word - they had better turn up on the night, reason is - i`ve got plenty of options this w/e but have chosen promise, mainly `coz its local & deserves my support for putting on such a class line up, for this not to happen would make me very indeed, lets hope i`m grinning like the cheshire cat eh! ShinySY!
I cant wait for this Its gonna be class, MIKE's always played a good set when ive seen him and i dont think ive seen Yves yet! Tis gonna be a wicked night
Not going to bother!!!!!!!! Just goin to save myself for yoji!!!!!!!:cyber: :cyber: :cyber: CaNt WaIt!!!!!!!!!:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
dont think i'll be out...i dont get payed til the bad is that!! least i'll have some money for the Yoji night....
wont be attending!!! there nxt week though to see Yoji, carnt wait to see how he performs and how much he'll kick everyones arse!!!!!!!!