STick a couple of stamps on - will be ok. Think worst case - if its too heavy - postie knocks on recipients door and charges em extra
Is it true that u can use a stamp as legal tender? Sorry bit random like, but i was watchin an episode of the office earlier on, were this was menchioned!
What a shit thread Doggie ! Buy some proper packaging u fucking peasant ! Shhhh young ones these days
Hope thats not gonna be the one for me and I end up being charged for postage! Or are u just waiting til u come up?
no mate, you cant, you didnt really think you could did you? everything that comes out of gareths mouth in the office is bollox!
Who asked u? Im gonna be even more skint than u this month. After your birthday Im gonna have less than £100 to last all month
I aint miserable. U took that way too seriously. Im far happier than Ive been for ages cos after this month Im gonna have more money than Ive ever had in my life!
yup - certainly is true. you can use stamps as legal tender - altho most places probably wont accept em.