Thems Bloody Tickets!!! as it is now very apparent that i ain't going to glastonbury we have came up with another solution...... we tape glastonbury & get sum1 to throw mud at us whilst we watch it so we feel like we were there!!! We're also going to amsterdam!!!
Re: Thems Bloody Tickets!!! ruth.....................unlucky, u should have booked early to ensure u had a ticket,
have a look at v2003 Ruth, thats where I fancy chilli peppers, coldplay, david gray, underworld live, cant remember who else but line up looks mint
Re: Re: Thems Bloody Tickets!!! the tickets went on sale on mon..i tried booking them online but the web page refused to go past the booking page.............i then tried the no. it said to rang which i did but it said the no. wasn't recognised......... i then heard an advert on metro & tried again the tel no. was engaged & the website still didn't work!!! by yesterday morning they were sold out!!!
Why don't ya try getting em from a tout. apparently there selling em on the net. And there are some auctions for them too ranging up to a top price of £800 per ticket.