Theiving Scummy Avatar Thieves!!!! Theres a few of em here!!! I'm having to change my av to my old one cos some smart alec has gone and stole my trousers!!!!! You know who you are - you should be ashamed!
this is the way i remember you from the first time we spoke, this avatar, back in the day, b4 we met, when i thought u were nice, ah the memories!!
Soz 2 butt in on ur convo but i think everyones avatar should reflect them. Thats why i desperately need to change mine cause the monkeys not giving too good a impression
I was nice and ded ded random (when random was cool ;b4 u n the dr's ruined it ) check out how random I was (this was an email to pink_ladee) ---------------- RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA I haven't slept in ages, I'm fookeroonied and ra ra ra ra ra! RA! btw sorry for ringing you at undogly hours of the night last night but it was - 4 motion played by eddie halliwell!!!!! orgh orgh (seal noices) Last night was one of the best nights of this year, it was magicpauls best ever night!!! You shoulda come!!!! Well your still coming with me to sundissential @DNA so ra (why do I keep saying ra?)..... I learnt to wiggle alst night I'll show you my moves on friday you'll be so impressed you'll buy me an ice cream. oh thankie for my email!!!! MWAH! fav animal: Not a jungle or hard house monkey, prolly an ocelot - how cool a word is ocelot... ocelots are one cool cat (see what I did there? Pretty sharp innit!) fav club If you like a lotta chocolate on your biscuit join our club.... you remember that song - how fuckjing cool was that? anyways my fav club was somz south but its shut, so prolly sundissential north ----------- Damn I was cool
LMFAO really sorry m8, i'll change it 2moz 4 ya if u want. (got a better one anyways ) now u no how my cyber outfit looks, turns out i got the same pants as u also, turns out i got same OUTFIT as spud. but who wants 2 be original