The Wicker Man On channel 4 at 1am tonight. Supposed to be one of the most disturbing and scariest films ever made
copper gets told to investigate a mising girl from an isolated island of scotland i think?... anyway he gets there and finds them all a bit nutty... finds out about a cult.. which involves sacrifices and dancing around nekked... dont wana spoil the ending for u's.. just watch/tape it religions a cunt.
Its set on a scottish island. All I know at one point is that they build a big wicker man,put a man inside and set it alight - supposed to be horiffic. Came quite high in the 100 scariest monents
"Come, it is time to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man" Surely Christopher Lee's greatest role. He's even admitted so in the DVD commentry. :devil:
Re: The Wicker Man I wouldn't go that far , perhaps one of the best British horror movies, but it is good like. And to think, Edward turns down the chance of a romp with a sexed up Brit Ekland! The nutter, she's lush in this film
The ring (original Japanese one) is on Fri night on channel 4. I think the 2nd one is on over the weekend too. Im looking forward to seeing that. Ive heard lots of good things about it
Thats why Im dying to see it. Ive heard lots of good things about it. Its meant to be really scary too. I hope it is, horror films usually just make me laugh. It'd be nice to be scared by one for a change
I've got uncut Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox (hence my name), Men Behind The Sun, Guinea Pig 2 and Maniac on DVD. These won't make you scared, they will make you sick. :evil: