James bond easy peasy, look at all his gadgets! Indiana has a whip! oooooooooooo scarey! Besides bond gets the good lookin girls aswell! Although harrison ford is worth one just as much as Sean Connery! But no other bond!
indiana jones all the way!!!! bond is cool but come on its fuckin indy. how could bond use all those poxy gadgets when indy would whip em out his hand and shoot the bastard. plus indy gets the girls too!!! have you not watched the films!!!! and indy can take on the fuckin nazi's with a whip and a pistol only and some crazy ghost things!!!!! he's hard as nails. bond is a soft puff who relies on gadgets to his dirty work. he doesnt even make them himself he has to rely on the british secret fucking service to sort them out. without q bond is nothing. simple as. whereas indy just grabs his hat whip and pistol and hes off gettin up to all sorts of crazy shit in mad ass temples that haven't been seen for hundreds maybe thousands of years!!!!! end of argument indy kicks bonds ass
init what about where indy gets the better of that fat german dude, ok the propeller of the plane helped chop the dudes head up, but it was indy who did the most damage. I say Indy too, he s way more adventurous
Come on! bond all the way... bond - Greatest living (fictional) englishman indy would get a pasting... sorry n everythin, but u know this! :groovy:
bullshit you dont even have a decent fuckin argument to back up your statement. i want reasons or indy will be kicking bonds ass forever!!!!!!! mwahahahahahahahahahaha :evil: