The Struggle Begin's right, who's going to fall asleep before the fight then? this time of night is my territory, i'm good all the way to oh-six-hundred. i know a few that have necked several packets of pro plus for the fights beforehand
and live stream here: **edit** scrap that it's just went down - they're all booting off in the chat alternative:
Does my nut in the chat on ther, full of wankers. Am going strong still, could do with a kip but no way its happening as if I fall asleep I'll not be at work either
Ive had a few hours sleep beforehand and just got up, went all the way through for Joe v B-Hop on my own without any drink etc and it was a fucking long night, so learned my lesson for this one
here i can't find a fucking stream! what! any help ASAP would be good like, otherwise you'll have to do a running commentary on MSN carson mate **edit, sorted found a couple and i'm running them together so i have one as back up :evil:
yep, i'm finding the group of people on the chat applets of these streams more entertaining. new stream link then EVERYONE out of that stream moves to that link, the link works, get's shut down - people kick off - new link and then EVERYONE moves to the next and that's been about 5 streams so far. i've found a pretty solid one now on the sly so i doubt virgin can get me now :evil:
GUTTED. Put me feet up on the settee round 7 of the fight b4 Calzaghes, just woke up now. Missed the fight & shouldve been at work at 6. ffs!
i seen it like, i didnt enjoy watching it at all, 12 rounds of fighting against sleep, proper zombie at work now