Further "Spence" News Check the post a few down this page from the man himself. http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?s=&postid=223938#post223938 Only a vague explanation. But hopefully clears it up a bit.
Im suprised i remembered - i didnt have a fucking clue what was going on in that party - it was only when i heard me phone ring that i thought "what the fuck am i meant to do with that" and so answered it ! Then come 7am in the morning i remembered that i was due to get the train to Manchester therefore got in a taxi :spangled: went home, had a shower then packed me bag (fuck knows how) and got on me train for 9am ! I am getting to old for that malarky and the journey there in a wired state wasnt the best !
LMAO @ Spence on wednesday.. I ran into him and Smart-E in Liquid (virtually no carvas, decent music from Mr. Senior).. no thanks to his state after the vodka redbulls, we got turned away from WHQ and had to go to Ikon - dunno how the hell he made it in the door without getting stopped! Thing that surprised me the most was the Bellars, Dyer, Cort et all were there! Evem more surprising, i wandered into the VIP area (aka upstairs bar) without getting stopped!! lol
I wouldnt like to have some rough necks on me case like - im suprised Bellamy didnt knck him out if he was half the state he was at the afterparty the other week I think he needs to stop the drink like ! Sticking to other things may help him......
He was telling me that he was off work for a couple of weeks and is going out and doing some things that he hasn't done berfoe. Starting with a Newcastle Falcon's rugby match last week I think, don't know what else he is upto though
Seriously.. did he try to have a go at them? I left about 1:30 i think.. cos i was absolutely hammered.