The Real Hustle Anyone watch this? I love it me, theres some canny scams but some of them are proper shite and blatently wouldnt work. Id let Jess rip me off anyday like
was there a different lass in the older series' or am I just imagining that? Its a class programme like. I saw the one where they had a magnet on a pole and stuck it through peoples letter boxes to fish for keys, make sure my keys are well away from the door now like!
I seen one not so long ago where they caught someone speeding apparently in Ibiza, another one was the Rolex watch in the jewellers and loads more in that show. Its class like, i think i just like the fact people get fucked over so be it for TV.
Some of the scams are good, but i refuse to believe that some of them are actually commonly used by normal conmen. Just seems so far fetched some of it
Yeah thats what i think, some of them are well thought out but wouldnt work unless you were very lucky. Scotty - Jess had dyed her hair brown for a one series but its usually brown, its always been her, its the main reason I watch it haha
Some are real hussles - some are made up. Also, they're re-filmed to look better on telly. There was an obvious one in a train station, nick a wallet out of someones pocket, replace with folder paper. he only TAPPED the bloke on the pocket, and pulled a wallet out of his sleeve as he'd just picked it - then the close up shot must have been film later. what a gip. on the plus side, jess with her norks out :