The Perfect Start to Your Saturday Night PEAKINGFM 04 PEAKINGFM 04 - Hosted by Earl Grey with co-hosts Chewy & The Beast. This Saturday 6pm til 8pm. if your in the local area scan the waves 88.0 - 94.0 ish This week another new track from Earls current fav producer GrooveStrokeVibe, more tails from Todd not to be missed, the weather from God (back from camping and looks like he has brought the rain), info on the PEAK sound system which we are building by hand (wonky bass then), Jim Jeffries in the comedy corner, your monthly dose of news from the stanley area and of course good old Stanley crack, tunes and so forth. Also the 10 minminimix this month from board member Jimmy Craik VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE
If anyone has any tunes they have produced and would like us to play them on the show or if anyone is interested in doing a 10min mini mix please let either myself or Earl Grey know