The Music Rooms A new venue has opened, or is proposed to have opened in sunderland, in the former casino next to the wheasheaf on bridge street sunderland. There was an article in the paper that toerag dj darren attack and his scruffy friend mc scrattend were trying to open this as a rave club. Ive also heard rumours of live bands playing here on weekends during the day. does anyone have any info on this venue? theres fuck all on google
whats with the massive chip on your shoulder, were you abused as a child by an over friendly uncle in a sunderland shirt?
yes its where i was going to put a night on. Id like to see you say that to Darren and Ashs faces Its a sweet venue but its Bands only, no more dance nights are being put on for the forseable future. Chris.Ec from here has been spinning there since it opened