The Mitchell and Webb Look Have been looking foward to this a lot seeing as they are the main characters in peep show, shame it was a load of shit. I sort of cracked a smile at the odd thing they said but each scene generally turned out to be a bit little britain and cringeworthy for me. Plus that canned laughter was utter crap.
the only good bit was when mark had blacked himself up because he liked it. I actually got gunned off my mam for ripping her for watching something shit and she turned around and said well its better than watching a man jump around in a bannana costume. for jez
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA The part where he blacked himself up was my favourite bit aswell, also the bit where the doctors were going "get the medicine" which reminded me of your calpol experience. BMX boy was embarassing.
The bit where he was fighting his nemesis was quite funny, when he was dressed as a homeless Sherlock Holmes
Agreed, its sort of funny in parts but aint got shit on peep show. Its a shame I was really looking forward to this but its really dissapointed me.
I think its slowly getting better each week, it is and never will be an amazing comedy though. The kid getting presents of heroin off his family and his grandma buying him some coke and saying "thats the one the man said you would want when I asked him" and the pixie giving Mark a flute that unleashes secrets was piss funny in some parts like that woman singing about secretly harbouring racist views and when the pixie tried to take the flute back so he used it on him and he started singing about being banned from school grounds Putting it on after extras isnt doing it any favours though.
extras mitchell & webb is very similar to big train in a lot of ways. saying that they were two of the co-writers.
Yeah Big Train is a step up but the Mitchell & Webb show is good. Patchy in places but most sketch shows are.