The Mighty Mighty Dave Seaman Heard last nite that "God" will not be at the birthday. That is the single most devastating bit of news ive heard in ages and ages. I have now not seen the worlds no 1 dj for 10 long months. I need my fix. I need to find out where hes playing? Does anyone know or does he have a website?
Not sure why. :spangled: It was Rich that told me, so thats a fairly reliable source i would have thought. Unfortunately i dont remember too much of last night so my memories of the conversation are a bit vague. So hopefully ive got it completely wrong. But i doubt it.
So it's just Fergie now. I can't see Promise getting any really big name dj/dj's to replace seaman and scott p this late in the day.
So NO Bot Project, NO spunky.....does this mean it's gonna be Fergie only? Suppose he might do his Radio 1 show live and go on for a bit afterwards. Listened to his show live from Gods a couple of weeks back and it was quite good to be fair.
Fergie is a good dj. He dosn't really stick to one style and plays very edgy tunes. he's a fucking nutter aswell!!!!! Quite looking forward to seeing him at Promise!!!!
fergie was class at gods! wanted to see seamen thou! nice bit of prog to start the night! i hope tulip gets to play a set the same night! that would be memorable! any1 got any idea what time the birthday bash is finishing??
i cant believ he aint playing now either, ive seen him 4 times at promise, and every time hes played the clubs been really busy and he took the roof off. i know there are a lot of prog haters on the board, but the guy is class. so mark, what is the birthday now, is it just fergie on his own?
birthday Has anyone got anymore crack on this subject. Have scot project and dave seaman definitley cancelled. If so anyone heard anything about replacements? Sure fergie will be cracking but feel they need good replacements for those two especially seaman whos quality.
When Scott Project cancelled i was please When Dave Seamen cancelled i was mad as hell :evil: :evil: :evil: Now i might just stay at home!
same here mate, i hope it aint gonna be just fergie, especially after the wicked line up of last year!
Cool. I want to see jon o bir. I missed him at Gods and i've heard nothing but good things about him. Can't go wrong with Richard and Fergie is always class!!!!!!
you sure you mean the irish guy? I agree he is class but only on a good day. He is one of the most hitty-missy DJ's there is. Prime example dec@ the shack was awesome, jan @ the shack was abismal. Am still gonna be @ promise for this one but at no stretch of the imagination is he always class. Am defo looking forward to seeing John O'bir though