americans - phah. "lets assign his wives and kids to someone else" - i mean, would you let that happen? fucked in the head - seriously. they all are. and what a nerd he looked like? AND a paedo
Totally insane this, scared me. Did you see the size of that temple thing and how quickly it was built. As you say...only in America
Unbelievable wasn't it!!! Not only that though but the whole massive ranch that was built in months. And the most laughable thing was the fact even the FBI couldn't search it even though he's on the top 10 most wanted list. Even our Police restrictions aren't that bad, well not yet anyway!!! And look at the temple now:
Our police couldn't serach it either, unless there was solid grounds for the belief Jeffs was in there. I thought the programme last night was well creepy, and it just made me think: when America was colonised hundreds of years ago, people flocked there from all over the world, hit the shore and ran off to stake a claim on their land. There must be loads of weird little enclaves like Shot Creek (was that it's name?) all over the back-woods, swamps, and deserts of America. It's weird to think that in the most devloped and powerful country in the world, these tiny villages can exist.
Good point, if these are the things you do hear about imagine some of the things you dont hear about. Worrying.