The dancing tramp OMG who's seen him? I was walking past Fenwicks window yesterday and seen this trampy looking father christmass look-a-like and he was giving it some balerina/acid trip kind of dance for ages. We stood and watched him for about 20mins, pissin ourselves and then went and did some shopping. When we got back he was still there, now in a t-shirt with a big swat patch on his back. He only left cos the police told him to move on. He did so but not before collecting his cider that was stashed in one of the rubbish bins down the back alley next to greggs It seems he's been spotted all over the place lol. this is him yesterday [ame=""]YouTube- crazy dude dancing episode 2: revenge of the drunk[/ame] He seems to have calmed down a bit there, but he was totaly going for it earlier on.
hahaha, him last month [ame=""]YouTube- Tramp Dance short[/ame]
Is it this dude? Caught him on camera dancing to those peruvians who play at the top of Haymarket, seems hes gone up in the world
I seen him a few weeks back when i finished uni, it was about 8.30pm and he was goin wild with the moves for all the charvas outside fenwicks.
ha ha he comes and dances in front of us when we busk on northumberland street. he can keep it up for hours. harmless though
[ame=""]YouTube- Newcastle's Spiritual Dancing Tramp (Part 1)[/ame]
he just looks like any other fucked random dancing alone at a festival. he must swallow some storm like
He was proper giving it trance hands at about 4pm the other night he had a proper crowd there was more people watching him than Fenwicks window, then my flatmate rang me at 5.30pm and told me he had just walked down N/land St and saw this tramp dancing. He must put a canny shift in.
Class! I saw him at about 8pm last week after i finished uni. My mate walked back past him after nipping for some booze and said, he stopped for a second, downed a bottle of lucozade then carried on jumpin about.