The Contender Series 2 Never seen the first series but i watched the first episode of S2 last night and it's suprisingly good Some nice camera work during the fight that gives it the whole 'rocky' feel and a good fight it was aswell. Highly Recommended to boxing fans
I seen the first but havnt had a chance ta watch the new series yet if its as good as the first i will be watching it
Re: The Contender Series 2 the last one was brilliant mate, they get better as the series goes on, well the last one did anyway. some of the fights were
Quality program, first series was class The rocky thing is spot on like One of the fighters in the last series killed himself after he lost his fight.
the first series was awesome... this looks like it's shaping up to be the same..the fights have been very good haven't got itv4 at home so getting someone to tape it for me