The Budget Anyone see it? Completley Given up on politics more so than before. Beer up 3p (realistically that will be a 5-10p rise in the pub, £1.20 rise in digital) Tabs up 12p per 20 (Happy Chippy/Tab machine rise of about 25-30p i think)
considering they want to cut obesity/promote healthy eating etc, i dont know why they dont just increase the tax on alcohol and tabs to a ridiculous amount to stop people smoking and drinking and have zero VAT on fruit, veg, eggs etc to make them eat healthier because its cheaper its not fucking rocket science - i hate the government me like!!!
fuck that, if people stopped smoking and drinking - it would take till about 2056 to get out of this recession. regardless of what they say about smoking and drinking - it's one of the mainstay's of our countries hopeless enconomy
its petrol that concerns me, crept up from 82.9p per litre to 93.9p per litre (at the cheapest garages) in the space of about 2 month, and that was before the budget, set to rise again. i think the days of pund a litre fuel (at best) are gunna be back like
8 cans will still be £5.50 and it will still be £1.50 a pint in the pub I go to in the rare times I go out now so not too fussed
they should put the tax up on things like mcdonalds and all the shit that people eat to stop the fat bastards getting fatter, and make them pay extra on the bus, to pay for the extra fuel it costs having them on board
I agree with Natalie. I think the solution to the problem is to tax other people more, and to have yourself taxed less.