The board showing you logged in Ive noticed that the board keeps you logged in for aaaages after you actually close the screen and even when you turn your pc off. Hows this?? :spangled: Stephen kept showing as signed in yesterday and he wasnt even in a house!!
Re: The board showing you logged in To stop this u just need to actually log-out and not just close the web browser That'll sort it.
its cos u havent actually logged out if u just close the web browser. it just takes a while to actually realise u aint there anymore.
i think so yeah think they expire or something after a certain amount of time so u dont show in the online list. its bout 15mins i think!
Another silly question Why is the colour on the board different b4 you log in. I.e it's more black and grey than blue. and when Slash is loigged on it's stays more the black colour and when i log in it goes blue?
logout and log back in ive just changed ur style to same as slash's if u want to change it back feel free (its in user cp) ive set you to default (Same as slash's) but u were using 2.0 - which is more blue
can u not add an option to not appear online at all aswell pls. Its easily added and would be appriciate by me and maybe a few others too.