I just sent mine back today for the third and final time, it was possibly the worst handset I've ever had after the Samsung E-500.. The battery lasted 8 hours on average use so at the end of a day at work, I was screwed if I wanted to meet mates as I had no power left.. total bimbo of a phone, shit keypad, weighs a ton, crap battery (they give you two as if you're expected to carry two around with you), outdated software, crap camera and no data port. I swapped it for the K800i silver which is going like a dream, best phone I've had since the K750i..
How long do phone batteries generally last these days? My mam has a D900 and it seems to be on low battery every day
my w800i last about 4 days in genreral but listening to mp3s drains it like fuck. 10-12 hours of constant music
my w810i lasts about four days with just general use... without using it i think ive had it on for 6 days.... i was normally used to nokia fones which i wud have to charge every night.... cant go wrong with sony ericsson
THIS is gonna be the best phone, watched the keynote address (very long) and while we wont see it till late 07, it makes every other phone iv'e seen look, well - shite
looking at the keynote address it seems to work pretty well, he typed a message with it about as quickly as i currently can with my c550, so thats fine by me... despite all this i doubt i'll end up with one, unless they strike a deal with orange on them and they come available about say, ooh, next february?