The Best of YouTube

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by dandava, Jan 3, 2008.

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  1. dandava


    Feb 6, 2007
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    The Best of YouTube

    If your bored why not have a look at some of these videos, some truely amazing stuff in here. Feel free to add your own. :D


    World's Best Tricks Volume 3 (everything from breakdancing & gymnastics to martial arts):
    [ame=""]YouTube- World's Best Tricks Volume 3[/ame]

    David Belle, the guy who founded Parkour:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    And Sebastian Foucan (the guy fom the start of Casino Royale who brought Parkour to the UK in the form of Freerunning):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Sebastiens Foucans[/ame]
    Speeders, combining gymnastics with parkour on the street:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Speeders[/ame]

    Martial Arts:
    Steve Terada. Never, ever, call his mum fat:
    [ame=""]YouTube- The Best Of STEVE TERADA[/ame]
    And how Tae Kwon Do is used in competition. Skip to 30 seconds (thanks Iain Smith):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Jason Burnett, the world’s best trampoliner (trampolinist?) just warming up before a contest (let me know if you find him in a really good competition clip):
    [ame=""]YouTube- jason burnett[/ame]
    Marco Canestrelli pulls off a septuple twist towards the end of Justice Frangipane's video:
    [ame=""]YouTube- trampoline world record twisting video justice frangipane[/ame]

    Gymnastic tumbling (thanks Ed Cannon):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Dude with enormous upper body strength (thanks Hussain Kadim):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Mental[/ame]

    Japanese skipping (jump) rope final (thanks Karah Sutton):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Japan worlds 2006 jump rope competition[/ame]
    And an American version:
    [ame=""]YouTube- dd pairs freestyle[/ame]

    Doing the splits and skating under 40 cars in a row (thanks Alex Baker):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Kid Roller Skates Under Car[/ame]

    Contortionist sisters, all in the good name of Potato Salad (thanks Peter Frank Chainey):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Chinese acrobatics:
    [ame=""]YouTube- The Chinese Acrobats[/ame]

    World final. Sports acrobatics 2006 in Portugal (thanks John Else):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Sportakrobatik - Die 5 Disziplinen[/ame]

    Top Gun, champion cheerleading team (thanks Lauren Eve):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Top Gun @ Worlds 2007 Front Row[/ame]

    Quick change artists on America’s Got Talent (thanks Ines Taylor):
    And the masters of quick change, the Pendragons’ famous magic trick:

    Catching two girls in either hand, and lifting them above his head:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Unicyle bowl flipping (thanks Richard Hussey):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Bet You Can't Do This...[/ame]


    Solo climbing:
    Dan Osman, who was the best controlled freefaller and one of the best freeclimbers in the world (thanks Chris Eungblut):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    And here’s the full clip of one of his speed climbs (Thanks Jonny Lloyd):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    Alain Robert. Famous for climbing skyscrapers:
    [ame=""]YouTube- The Awesome Alain Robert[/ame]
    Chris Sharma climbing upside-down (thanks Alex Gaastra):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    The skier from the Sky advert jumping off cliffs with a parachute (thanks Alex Baker):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Ski jump ![/ame]
    Terje Haakonsen snowboarding down "7601" for the first time. Terrifying (thanks Philipp Moy):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Terje's First Descent[/ame]
    More suicidal jumps & slopes (a bit slow until 2:20) (thanks Keith Scott):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Push[/ame]
    Björn-Einar Romören jumps 239m:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    Skiing down he longest escalator in Europe. The main skill lies in the fact that he only posted it on Youtube exactly six months after he did it, meaning he couldn't legally be prosecuted
    [ame=""]YouTube- Guys Skis Down Tube Escalator[/ame]

    Shane McConkey. Skiing down suicidal slopes and BASE jumping off them. At the start he BASE jumps on his friend's back without a parachute. I can't find him on Wikipedia but apparently he’s still alive (thanks Rob Richardson):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    Reverse BASE jumping to bungee jump:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Reverse bungee and B.A.S.E. jump[/ame]
    Joint BASE jump to bungee to redeployment (thanks Ned Yoxall):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Insane BASE Jumpers - 1 BASE Jumper Bungee Jumps From Other[/ame]

    Music video showing Joseph Kittinger, technically the first man in space, skydiving out of a weather balloon at 102,800 feet (31,300 m) in a space suit, and breaking the speed of sound in freefall, in 1960. Never been equalled:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy[/ame]
    and a clip of it from a documentary:
    [ame=""]First man In Space - Skydiving from the edge of the world[/ame]

    Salomon Soul Flyers demonstrating the wingsuit (think flying squirrels) (thanks Jack Henderson):
    [ame=""]YouTube- wing suit mountain skim[/ame]

    Aerobatic skills in a windtunnel. Skip past the kids if they bore you:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    The skyboarder Yves Rossy invents a working Icarus inspired personal jet pack to fly at over 300km/h!! His obsession led to his wife leaving him. Then again, he can fly...(thanks Hussain Kadim):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Jet-man: Human powered flight[/ame]

    Bob Hoover pulling off plane stunts with the engines cut while pouring ice-tea (thanks Simon Clay):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Stopped engine aerobatics[/ame]

    Great video of a surfer riding a gigantic wave. Genuine as far as I can tell:
    [ame][/ame] 5&q=amazing

    Kayaking down some serious rapids. Check out the two huge waterfalls from around 1:50 (thanks Oli Lazarus):
    [ame=""]YouTube- kayak[/ame]

    Waterskiing up a ladder: Skiing_Stunt

    Mike Spinner. BMX 1080s plus other ridiculous stunts:
    [ame=""]YouTube- BMX Freestyle - Worlds 1st 10/80[/ame]
    BMX triple tailwhip:
    [ame=""]YouTube- TRIPLE TAILWHIP - FOSTER (by[/ame]
    BMX quadruple tailwhip:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Awesome BMX tailwhip[/ame]
    Neil Tunnicliffe doing the biggest BMX jumps I've ever seen (once you've seen one though...) (thanks Keith Scott):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Neil Tunnicliffe Biketrials[/ame]
    Now see it done on a unicycle! (thanks Reuben Ariyaratnam):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    Kevin Robinson pulls off the world's first "double flair," whatever that is:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Inline skating:
    triple backflip:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Triple backflip[/ame]
    The longest rail grind ever. Is this fake? Part of a commercial? Unbelievable:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Roller _ Longest grind ever[/ame]

    Rodney Mullen, the man who pretty much invented freestyle skateboarding remains the best there's ever been (thanks Tom C):
    [ame=""]YouTube- rodney mullen[/ame]

    Impressive and insanely dangerous overtaking battle between Gilles Villeneuve and Rene Arnoux at the 1979 French Grand Prix (thanks Eliot Bateman):

    Not sure if this is really good or not, or even what it's called. Freestyle and urban motorbike trials? (Thanks Geoff Purvis):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. dandava


    Feb 6, 2007
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    Football (soccer):
    Soccer freestyle by Tsatsulow (thanks Andy Wheble):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    And a flawless set by Mr Woo. During a half time:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Mr Woo Jugglin Champ[/ame]
    Great in-match skills compilation:
    [ame][/ame] 42
    Kerlon Moura. How do you defend against his seal dribble? By kicking him in the face... (thanks Joshua Erde):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    The ancient, non-competitive sport of Chinlone. 1500 years old, yet strangely similar to football freestyling (thanks Rob Stroud):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Re: Football skills[/ame]

    The standup comedian, Chriss Bliss shows he’s not a bad juggler either :
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    Perfect hat and ball routine by Steven Ragatz (thanks Yotam Doron):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Steven Ragatz Red Ball Routine[/ame]
    Victor Kee blows both of them out of the water by combining juggling up to seven balls with rythmic gymnastics and Cirque du Soleil's trademark choreography. This flawless set is from the show, Dralion (thanks Byron Andrews):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Viktor Kee's act in Dralion[/ame]

    Pool trick shots:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    and Eric Yow: Even more impressive spin shots as he plays on a European table (smaller pockets):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    This one strangely fits into two categories at least - A man called Dan Menendez playing the piano with his balls (thanks Hussain Kadim):
    [ame=""]YouTube- amazing[/ame]

    Table Football:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Table tennis. Classic attack vs defence from the back of the court (thanks Ed Qualtrough):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    And here it is taken to the extreme, from an actual ITTF final between 2 chinese players, Ma Lin and the world no. 1 Wang LiCin. It's the last point of the match, Wang is well ahead so they contrive this ridiculous point where they both end up on each others' side of the table (thanks Ed Qualtrough):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Incredible Table-tennis[/ame]

    I had no idea what hackey sack (or footbag) was until I played California Games on the Megadrive (Genesis) when I was a kid. To be honest I'm still not entirely sure but Jorden Moir is apprently one of the best:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Top ten slam dunks:
    [ame=""]YouTube- NBA top 10 best slams of the dunk contest[/ame]
    Basketball skill arcade game (thanks Marco Duan):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Failed to break the record! 投籃機...失敗作å“[/ame]
    For those of you that haven't seen it, Slamball is a full contact basketball dunk game with trampolines:
    [ame=""]YouTube- slamball[/ame]
    Tommy Baker. Basketball freestyle trickster:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Amazing Basketball tricks[/ame]
    Seattle Sonics' Dunking Ushers:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Dunking Ushers - Valentine's Day[/ame]

    Snooker: Ronnie O'Sullivan - Fastest televised 147 break (thanks John Theis):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Ronnie O'Sullivan Fastest Maximum Break[/ame]

    The flying eagle ten pin bowling shot. One ball, three pins, two lanes:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Flying Eagle Bowling Shot[/ame]

    Scorpion bowling ball knife face catching. I really don’t know how else to describe this:


    21 deaf girls performing the Thousand-hand Bodhisattva dance (Thanks Jonny Kirby):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Thousand-Hand Bodhisattva[/ame]

    Bboy Junior, part of the Wanted Posse in France, amazing breakdancing (thanks Henry Barnett):
    [ame=""]YouTube- B-boy Junior[/ame]
    and Bboy Physix, who I prefer. Less power but more versitility. Skip the first three minutes:
    [ame=""]YouTube- physix 2004[/ame]

    David "Elsewhere" Bernal, popping, locking, sliding, and generally looking like a robot:
    [ame=""]YouTube- David Elsewhere[/ame]
    Here he is back in Kollaboration 2001. The video that made him famous:
    [ame=""]YouTube- David Elsewhere - Kollaboration 2001[/ame]

    Dancing with a unicycle:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    That annoying Dance Arcade game thing (DDR? PIU?):
    [ame=""]YouTube- ddr champ[/ame]
    And the only person who occasionally makes it look cool, someone called Smidget (thanks to Melissa Goodman for finding the link again):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Dont Bother Me[/ame]

    Love it or most probably hate it, Riverdance still deserves to be here:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Riverdance[/ame]

    And the same goes for Cirque du Soleil I suppose:
    Russian Swings from "Varekai." Skip to 2 minutes in:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Cirque du Soleil's Varekai - Russian Swings[/ame]

    Adam Menzies from Cirque du Soleil (above) demonstrating some beautiful trampoline moves:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]


    Rockapella singing "Tonight":
    [ame=""]YouTube- Rockapella - Tonight[/ame]
    and my favourite, Take 6 with their better, early line-up, their arrangements are unbeatable:
    So much to say:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Take 6 LIVE - So Much 2 Say (This is HOT!!!!)[/ame]
    Goldmine '89:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Take 6 LIVE - Gold Mine[/ame]
    Bobby McFerrin (of "Don't Worry Be Happy" fame) showing awesome vocal versatility, at one point humming three notes at once. Astounding:
    [ame=""]YouTube- bobby mcferrin - solo[/ame]
    11 year old yodeller (thanks Jeny Lau):

    Greg Pattillo beatboxing while playing Inspector Gadget on the flute:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Beatboxing flute inspector gadget remix[/ame]

    Playing Super Mario Brothers on an 11 string bass:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Super Mario Bass[/ame]

    The best crab scratching and beat juggling I've ever seen by the Scratch Perverts (thanks Jonny Burch):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Scratch Perverts Turntable Turtorial (5 of 7)[/ame]

    Masami Takeuchi, the best theremin player in the world.
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    The pianist, Cziffra improvising on top of Lizst and Chopin while warming up before a show. Really heats up after 2 minutes (thanks Benedict Westenra):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Cziffra's crazy improv with Chopin Etude[/ame]
    Emanuel Feuermann plays Popper's Spinning Song - skip to 5:30 (thanks Matthew Ward):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Feuermann plays Dvorak and Popper[/ame]

    Stanley Jordan plays Autumn leaves on two guitars at once (thanks Alex Baker):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Stanley Jordan plays "Autumn Leaves"[/ame]
    and here he is with Jools Holland covering "Eleanor Rigby." I challenge anyone not to be blown away by this:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Stanley Jordan - Eleanor Rigby[/ame]
    Dragonforce guitarists, Herman Li and Sam Totman. Top notch sweep picking, tapping and beer swigging (thanks James Fellows):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    Simply has to be seen to be believed. Carlos Gomez playing The Flight Of The Bumblebee stupidly fast:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Flight of Bumblebee[/ame]

    Roxorloops one of the best today:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Roxorloops on stage with Rahzel.... Amazing beatboxer![/ame]
    Search for Rahzel to see the man responsible for the revival in 2000. Here he is being taught by Roxorloops:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Roxorloops teach Rahzel in echo beatbox learn from the king[/ame]
    Shlomo shows what a looping sampler can do for beatboxing. Here he is performing at this year's Glastonbury (thanks Nick Whittingham):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    "Music for one apartment and six drummers." Video showing Kostr-Film sampling sounds from around an apartment to make a music (thanks Jonny Kirby):
    [ame=""]YouTube- music for one apartment and six drummers[/ame]

    Amateur musician composes a song by compiling loads of tiny video clips of drum hits and piano notes. Quite fun towards the end (thanks Oliver Rickman):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Amateur - Lasse Gjertsen[/ame]

    While my ukulele gently weeps (thanks Ed Cannon):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
  4. dandava


    Feb 6, 2007
    Likes Received:

    Rodrigo Cao. World's number one flair bartender. Winner of the Nations International Flair Challenge 2006:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Flair Rodrigo Cao[/ame]

    Kevin Johnson, ventriloquist, performs Godzilla without the words matching his mouth:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Alexander Overwijk - World Freehand Circle Drawing Champion:
    [ame=""]YouTube- World Freehand Circle Drawing Champion[/ame]

    Tom Noddy doing incredible things with bubbles in the 70s:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Tom Noddy[/ame]

    After a long struggle this guy lands a monster fish:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Alan Szabo. Remote control helicopter. After 25 seconds it goes mental (thanks Daniel conway):

    Amazing remote control plane skills (thanks Sebastian Pinski):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Amazing R/C airplane demo[/ame]

    Poker chip tricks:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Juggling cards (or extreme card manipulation as we must all now call it):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Awesome street puppeteer. Not quite "Being John Malkovich," but then they used more hands:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Skeleton Man Puppet Dancer[/ame]

    Surprisingly exciting clip: Phil "The Power" Taylor. The only player to get a 9 dart finish on live TV, and he's done it three times. This was the first:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Mark Jeffries, British aerobatic world champion 2005/6 (thanks Andrew Chetwood):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Extra300s freestyle aerobatics.[/ame]

    I just don’t know where to put this video. David Smith: human cannonball. Ridiculous:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Human Cannon at Border[/ame]

    Julian Beever. Perspectival street art:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Shadow puppetry at its best, and funniest:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Shadow Puppets[/ame]

    Stephen Wiltshire - The savant "human camera" who draws accurate cityscapes from memory (thanks Marco Duan):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Stephen Wiltshire draws Rome from memory[/ame]

    Travis Tomasie reloads a pistol in a split second:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Aries Spears performs very convincing impressions of Jay Z et al:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]


    Jamie Pierre jumps off a 77m cliff with no parachute. Not entirely sure how much skill it took but it's still a world record (thanks Tim Barnett):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Jamie Pierre[/ame]

    36 pirouettes non-stop (thanks Christopher Blackmon):
    [ame=""]YouTube- 36 Pirouettes[/ame]

    World's fastest drinking (thanks Alex Baker):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Fast drinking[/ame]

    124 headspins without his hands touching the ground:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Rubix Cube:
    World's Fastest:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Rubik's Cube Former World Record[/ame]
    One handed:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Rubik's Cube, ONE-HANDED! (25 sec)[/ame]
    [ame=""]YouTube- Craig Bouchard 3x3x3 Blindfold Solving Rubik's Cube[/ame]

    World's highest shallow dive Danny Higginbottom:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    World Record bubblegum blower. This is really quite disgusting:
    [ame=""]YouTube- World Record Bubble Blower[/ame]

    Mike Mangini is the world's fastest drummer:
    [ame=""]YouTube- WFD - Mike Mangini - World Record (1203 Single Strokes)[/ame]

    Matt McAllister wears the most T-Shirts in one go (thanks Emma Lodato):
    [ame=""]YouTube- T shirt Record[/ame]

    Phone book tearing
    [ame=""]YouTube- World Record[/ame]

    The world record cup stacking:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Minesweeper on Expert:
    [ame=""]YouTube- 39 seconds minesweeper expert[/ame]

    Forced eating record:
    World champion, Takeru Kobayashi
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]


    Etch-a-Sketch artist, George Vlosich (thanks Oli Dacombe):
    [ame=""]YouTube- NBA Finals Lebron Etch A Sketch[/ame]

    This is just ridiculous. A never ending set of pool trick shots set off by dominoes. Very French (thanks Jonny Kirby):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Pool Domino[/ame]

    Drawing the Mona Lisa in MS Paint (thanks Oliver Butler):
    [ame=""]YouTube- How to paint the MONA LISA with MS PAINT[/ame]

    I’m not sure what exactly this is, but it appears to qualify as an astounding waste of time. Linerider (thanks Alex Baker):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Line Rider Die at the slopes[/ame]

    Pixilated (like stop motion) fight sequence. Took them over two months to film 5 minutes:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Tony vs. Paul[/ame]

    Using people as pixels to recreate Space Invaders:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Sand Sculpture 2007. I haven't had time to search extensively but there are tonnes more out there if anyone cares to find the best:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    The best aging timelapse compilation I've seen over 8 years of a boy's life:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Living My Life Faster - 8 years of JK's Daily Photo Project[/ame]

    Alexis Milant shows off his fingerboard!!:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Opus 0 alexis milant (fingerboard)[/ame]

    The famous chain reaction Honda Advert, genuinely filmed in one shot:
    [ame=""]YouTube- The Cog - Honda Advert[/ame]
    It was inspired by the Swiss artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss. Here’s a small section of their 1987 reaction, “The Way Things Go,” in which fire is the main instigator (thanks Jenna Farthing):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Huge chain reaction using Mintos and Diet Coke:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments II: The Domino Effect[/ame]
  5. dandava


    Feb 6, 2007
    Likes Received:
    This new section is here for all the videos that appear to be very skilful but, because they’re only on off clips, most people could probably perform them given enough time and inclination:

    "Pong" shots. Very dedicated (and presumably very bored) American students scoring incredible cup shots with ping pong balls (thanks George Cotzias):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Epic Pong Shots 2[/ame]

    The up and coming sport of can throwing (thanks Berrak Dyer):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Zack Gort pulls off a flair "flying eagle" ten-pin bowling shot (thanks Sammy Badawy):
    [ame=""]YouTube- The MOST RIDICULOUS bowling TRICK SHOT EVER[/ame]

    Not sure if this should be here. A gymnast being launched in the air before pencil diving back through a basketball hoop:
    [ame=""]YouTube- basket girl[/ame]

    There are a lot of these on Youtube. One of the last second basketball buzzer shots (thanks Lee Quah):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    And here’s a whole series of more outrageous longshots (thanks Sam Lings):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Amazing coin bouncing shots:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Worlds best coin toss[/ame]

    I’ve seen a number of videos that are so good they must be fake. These are the ones I know use trickery of some form or another. In particular, commercials often appear to employ incredible videos of skill:

    Here’s a fake storm surfing clip from a Powerade advert (thanks Thomas Ramsden):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    Powerade again. This time showing LeBron James apparently scoring a series of 80 foot three pointers in a row:
    [ame=""]YouTube- LeBron James - 3 Point freak[/ame]
    Ronaldinho features in this Nike advert apparently hitting the crossbar 4 times in a row from 25 yards after he gets his new "Touch of gold" trainers:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
    This VW advert uses some amazing shadow puppetry:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Catching sunglasses with someone's face. A camera trick, apparently. I still can't work out how it works (thanks Ryan Tulley):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Sunglass Catch[/ame]

    Finally, here’s a very simple magic trick using shoelaces that looks amazing. I'll let you work out how it's done:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]


    They've compiled, wait for it, all the best pen spinning clips in the world. Unbelievable:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Pen Spinning Stunts!!!![/ame]

    Makoto Nagano, Sasuke Champion - a mental version of the eliminator from Gladiators (thanks Joe Farish):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    The world record for a slam dunk, jumping from a trampoline over 6m away:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    The world’s fastest secretary:
    [ame=""]YouTube- World Fastest Secretary[/ame]

    Parking world record:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Hiroyuki Suzuki, yoyo champion. Thrilling. Just thrilling:
    [ame=""]YouTube- yoyo master[/ame]
    And the world champion 2006, Shinji Saito (thanks ed Cannon):
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Tetris. Watching this nearly gave me an aneurism:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Tetris TGM3 ShiraseMode Superplay テトリス シラセモード スーパープレイ[/ame]

    Japanese hand dance arcade thing, lightning quick, and not sped up:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Crazy Asian[/ame]

    Using wine bottles and roller blades to play music:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    Awesome Zippo lighter skills:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    A Japanese series of innovative chain reactions. There are at least three more where this came from if you search. Turn the sound off lest the hideously irritating jingle at the end of each chain reaction send you mental:
    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  6. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    [ame=""]YouTube- Epic Pong Shots 2[/ame]


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