That Free Ipod site Came back off holiday today to find my nice brand new shiny little 30GB Ipod Video sat waiting for me
1. you sign up to it. 2. you complete one of the "offers" 3. you get 5 people to do the same but making sure that they sign up using YOUR link (you get it when u login to that site) thats it
I need 5 ppl... but no one will go for it.. I think its cos I start the conversation with them with the sentance "I've got a scam if your interested...."
Re: Re: Re: That Free Ipod site Have got one person signed up but not completed yet. No one seems to be going for it. Bastards :evil:
assuming the people you referr it to also part with a tenner Which wont happen every time, or they will clearly be massively bankrupt
How do you work that out? The more people that sign up the more money they get!!! For example.. You sign up and complete offer - £60 for them 1st referral signs up = £120 2nd referral signs up = £180 3rd referral signs up = £240 4th referral signs up = £300 5th referral signs up = £360 Then they send YOU out a free iPod, which will have cost them about £150 (if not less) as they will buy in bulk. They make £££ - you get your ipod - everyone is happy.
you AND 5 people you sign up have to choose an offer, sign up to it AND (usually) pass the fre trial period. this is to stop people just signing up then immediately cancelling in which is what i tried...cunts.
yep, all you do is complete an offer and leave it. it costs you a tenner and your five mates a tenner each. pocket change and u get an ipod