That Free Ipod site again! eBay is back on the free ipod site!! Basically means you can sign up and complete ur offer for FREE!! Be quick cos it doesn't seem to last long!!!!! Here
sign up. complete an "offer" get 5 mates/people to do same. get a free ipod. it works too - i have the 30gb video
just ebay this time fella!! usually you have to sign up to meccagames etc (costs £10 but u get £10 back and win plenty lol)
dont sign up for the dvd ones?!! u have a choice of offers...just make sure u know what ur signin up for. piece of piss.
Re: Re: That Free Ipod site again! cant u just sign up for another ebay account? im sure i had two at one point - used grans address or somethin! :angel2: