That Farmer Why does that fucking stupid thick cunt of a farmer in Iraq just outside of Baghdad think that he shot that helicopter down earlier on with his rifle for fucks sake ?? Hmmm it seems when it was looked at there is no bullet marks ! I know u get paid ££ over there if ya capture / injur / kill anyone but for fucks sake its blatenly been an engine failure - then this bloke goes and says he did it with more or less a spud gun ! The to top it all off the have a mini Creamfields on National TV with there singing and dancing ! We fucking believe ya
hes clutching at straws. a fuckin top of the range helicoptor, and some random bloke shot it out of the sky..........fuck off like. the bullet would have rebounded of the metal shell. the fuckin numb nut.
it only like people over here... "oo, the car went into tha back of me, the whiplash was so bad, i couldn't sleep for a week" out for whatever they can get! compo claims. i hate them. now THERE's something to rant about. daytime telly and "have u been suffered an accident or been inured in the last 3 years?" how many? i think they must have found everyone who has been injured or had an accident by now... i was even stopped in northumberland street the other day and asked...