Thanx every1 Just like to say thankyou to every one I met on Friday night. I met loads of you off this message board and hope i'll see ya's all again. It made my night.
nope soz fluff'e never met you, i was too busy i think, Ness met you i think though! get introduced this friday hopefully!! Mr Halliwell!!!
No I don't believe we did meet. I do remember Ness though. If you not too busy Friday I look forward to meeting you. ______________ Close your eyes and listen!!!!!!!!!!
lol, im always busy!!! always on me toes flitting about the club. but i will TRY and put aside some time to come meet you. hehe.
I met you and just said you looked like Anne Savage - that's one thing I can remember from that night. Sorry if I was a dick
cogan mate, you cant say things like that, saying she looks like Anne Savage when you know how i feel bout Miss Savage!!! grrrrrrr @ U!! *aahhhhh Anne!!
# LOL - She asked if that was a good thing and I just went - YEAH I lost the plot a bit on Friday like :spangled:
No you weren't a dick, as for the Anne Savage thing IF ONLY. You must of been in a state to say that. Of course it would be a compliment. I can dream can't I? Sorry to dissapoint.
dont worry fluff'e, i will let you know if u do reflect anne or not!! im an honest lad......just hope am not too honest incase you dont!!! lol
Not a lasting impression then. Only kidding. U there on Friday for Mr Haliwell? I can remember you so I'll come and say Hi!
I know I don't so no need to upset me now. The only slight resemblance could be the same colour hair.
I'm not driving there this week so I dare say i might be in a state I always say this but it never happens. I'll end up driving everyone there and have to stay slightly level headed cos I worry about me little passengers on the way home in the car.