Thanks to the honest person!!! Good to see there are honest people out there in this world. Last night i lost my cash card. Went and asked at the bar and some kind person had handed in. So cheers to that person.
I once lost my purse in crasher, containing all my cash, my train ticket home and my cash card. Did it get handed in? did it fuck!!! :evil:
thats the 1 thing i'm paranoid bout is loosing my purse, phone or camera when i'm out.........the purse cos of cash etc etc & my fone cos i'd b lost without it & it has all my no's in & my camera so i can remeber what the hell went on thru the nite!!! i've been luck so far!!
I'm terrible for losing my purse. Shaun tells me off, not a night goes past without me either losing my purse or at least thinking I've lost it. I'm a nightmare.
i normally have at least once where i fink i've lost it & have a mad panic to look 4 it but its always where i had it my bag!!!
i can't believe ppl still leave things unattended in this day in age....... u shouldn't have to worry that if ya can't find ya bag it'll still have ya stuff in but u do.........i wud never leave my bag unttended cos ur just inviting sum1 to rifle thru it & steal useful items!!
eurgh!!! nicking her lip gloss..........the parafin lamps........thats fucking gross!!! if i saw sum1 doing that i'd say sumthing.........probs end up getting a swift slap off them like but i'd still say summit!!!