Thank you just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came down last night i had a brilliant night and definatly a one to remember you all made my night great!!! cant remember much but i know it was good VERY hungover today worth it though thanks for all the drinks, everyone got me well and truely hammered
Glad ya had a good night, just a shame i couldnt stick around more, was lovin beatin Dan at pool (well him potting the black at the wrong time!!) and the prices of the drinks were class as well!!!!
It would have bin a different story if i'd a had chalk Nice to meet you tho mate Sasha - Glad you had a good one love! Canny turn out too
sounds like u had fun sasha u obv needed more to drink if u up and able to write so soon after get more drunk tonite when u go out :beer:
fran - thanks for the pressie thank bella for me too i stuck to the same drink all night i think thats why i wasnt sick i think i had a drink in each hand all night at one point stu had to hold the 3rd one for me
sasha come give me a hand at work man, im dying. can't take any more calls. drive your dads 525, i have - its fine
i cant believe he let you drive it!!! ffs i put my foot on the pedal and before iknow it im through the neighbours window!!! nass - turn the phones off are u coming to wax on tonight?
paul - cheers for the guest passes they just asked me who had put me on it aswell THEN id'd me ****'s