Thank Fuck for Gmail So the letting agency were on the phone today to tell me that I hadn't paid any rent in the past 4 months, which I had. They gave me the account details, and when I checked against the standing order, it turned out they were 1 number different. Thankfully, their e-mail telling me to pay it into the account I was was still buried away in my bottomless gmail account, wheras my mum had had to delete it from her hotmail one, so we can prove that they're liable. A few concerns about computers scanning my e-mails and putting ad's next to them? A small price to pay
Gmail rocks. We use it at work to do our business mail and diary sharing now. Microsoft Office is so 2003.
thst sounds like a good feature.... i've got windows live mail now which will eventually be the same as gmail. i signed up to gmail but couldnt be arsed changing my address so i'm glad now that microsoft has decided to play catch-up