telehone interviews i fucking hate them, i always get a dry throat sound like shit, and give crap answers. ive had 4 before and passed 3, lets see what happens to number 5
i know, in general theyre pissoir but this one, i couldnt come up with any decent examples and my throat was on fire. pain in the arse really cos this job was canny
I've had 2 in the past 2 weeks and got through them both with flying colours the thing that pisses me off is I get through the interviews then they decide the jobs are already filled andthey'll keep me on file :evil: Must've impressed a bti though cos they're making me go to the assessment centre so I can start as soon as a job comes available
ive had shitloads and passed most! Its just to weed out the total losers usually. Especially if its for call centre jobs cos theyre not exactly looking for the pick of the crop of the human race the job you've went for though will be a little harder to get, its a bastard cos they used to ring me when i was in bed and shit. i atleast like a warning as to when thney're gonna ring:evil:
and ul be able to go fuck off to ibiza with the others and leave me on me own are you gonna come on holiday somewhere with me
ill not be going anywher with anyone if i dont get some coin. probs too alte to go on holiday with anyone, best i can prob do is a weekend in prague