Teenage transexuals

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DickVanDyk, Oct 29, 2004.

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  1. DickVanDyk

    DickVanDyk Sunderland Till I Die

    May 25, 2004
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    Teenage transexuals

    Anyone got any good DVD's ????:eek: :lol: No seriously did anyone see this programme on channel 4 last night ? was really interesting about people who are born one sex but believe they are another and act out there lives in the wrong sex, i never actually realised this was a recognised medical condition, there were some really fasinating stories about parents who have had to deal with there children growing up with this condition, one case was a 16 year old who lived as a boy but was really a girl and nobody had a clue except her mother, she even had a girlfriend who did not have a clue her supposed boyfriend was a girl, crazy but interesting stuff
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