Technical help...please! I left my computer running today and when I came to log back into my username it said it couldn't log into it for some reason. I then went to shut down and it asked if I wanted to shut down and install some updates at the same time so I said yes (thinking that was the problem) Anyway now that I'm back into my user name it looks like it has gone back to the original settings. I can't find any of Thomas's baby photos or any of my files I have a firewall and up to date anti virus. What the heck is wrong with it??? Oh and everyone elses user name is fine, its just mine. Backing up all of Thomas's pics on disc has been on my list of things to do for ages now but I never get a chance because he keeps me so busy. Someone help...pleeease
Sounds very odd helz!! I would guess virus but if you've got a decent up to date virus checker. Maybe one of the geeks can help!! How ya keeping anyways long time no see!!
I'm fine...just frantically looking for my son's whole life in pictures on this stupid thing I found the files and saved them onto the new desktop it had given me because they were there but just "hidden" I was going to burn them onto disk then my PC crashed and now it has gone back to normal and I can't find the fucking files I just moved.
I'm not too sure if these suggestions will work but it's worth a shot (I'm unsure as to why it crashed and asked you to update - do you have automatic windows update enabled? ): I'm guessing that somehow there's a new user account been created. You'll need to make sure you log on to Windows with the administrator account, go to Start-->Run, type "control userpasswords2", and in the dialogue box select "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer", then ok and reboot. (if you still don't see it at the logon screen you may need to boot into safe mode - hit F8 at the POST screen when your pc starts). If you're having trouble with the password you can try using the bootdisk here to reset the admin and other user accounts passwords (you'll have to shutdown and boot off the floppy it creates) Once in Windows, go into My Computer, open the C drive, open Documents and Settings, then all the folders for each account will be in there. If you can't see all folders go to Tools-->Folder Options, click the View tab then click 'show hidden files and folders'. Hope fully those pics be in the documents folder of your other account, you can then copy them to other user's folders or burn them off. There's other things to try, but see if the above works first.