I have deleted her number, dont PM me IT either cos work struggles to reply to them ! Theres me / Orbit / DJPaul n Tom's been asked ! He had better get his fucking "black country" arse out :evil: We are coming tho.... You might get a fucking forehead in your dial as well you for what was said the other day :evil:
Feel well bad about that mate. Completely forgot till ya kicked off. How's about i buy ya a drink to say sorry?
Its alreet man am only joking with you I will see you later on anyways, i wouldnt hold anything against what you said !!
good script at the weekend like kids well played to all well apart form duncan n john for eating black pudding u horrible bastard
Cheers for having us down/back, good crack again as per ! Pleased i stayed for the day then "Kev le taxi's" turned up, quality time