Teachers on strike The teachers at my college seem to think they dont get enough dollar for teaching us, so theyve went on strike, which is good coz i get the day off, teachers are greedy twats tho, surley the ££ they get should be satisfactory, they dont even do much anyway!! (sorry to any1 who is/is guna be a teacher - rachel ) (im sure you'll be a nice un-greedy teacher hunny!!)
im out on strike with the college lecturers, as i work as support staff at a college and unison and the lecturers unions are striking together. Basically the annual pay rise that they are offering is not enough and we are losing out each year, were not after 40% like the firemen but just to be brought in line with what teachers at schools get, which is fair enough...
kerry!!! !!! aawww no we aint greedy we really aint mebbes the ones at ur college are greedy n i dont reeli know much bout what bin a college teacher involves but as a primary school teacher (or a trainee one at least) i know that the work they hav ot do is sooo soo much, ma mammy was a primary school teacher aswell and its sooo stressful n she used ot hav so much work to do there is one hell of a lot of work involved though i know we get good holidays but it aint the kinda job that you can just go there on a monrning n com ehome at nite n 4get about cos theres loadsa planning n assessments n marking work n making resousrces that has to be done on a nite n on a weekend so i dunno bout other teachers but primary school teachers reeli do work hard!!! hope ur enjoying ur day off though hun!!! xxx ooo and hope that everythink that u were on about before at homes all sorted now!! xxx
ah well maybe u's rnt that greedy then, but im meant to have a maths exam today, s'pose im lucky really, more time to revise, well, not that im doing any anyway, but more time to pretend im revising!!! rach - everything at home is getting sorted, still in mammys bad books, but can u blame her?!?!?!
to be honest - as speedy said, its a job with a lot of planning and hard work, my ex-girlfriend just graduated from a teaching course,and it was really hard for her and she was really clever, and to be honest they have to put up with a lot of shit! so fair enuf they want more pay but on the other hand, wot about all the holidays they get? get holiday pay, and a decent wage! if ya ask me, they will never be happy?!
I work as support staff in a college too, everyone has been on strike there aswell. I t was shocking tho cos whoever went on strike got docked a days pay! how greedy.
Being at Newcastle college, I also got the day off! I had a brilliant day off to, just lazing about! In some situations, I think it is fair enough for workers to go on strike, especially in this case where college tutors are paid less than school ones for doing the same job. I also find this annoying as I'm on a course with loads of work to do. If my tutors are off, I cant go to college and work, therefor I'm far less likely to get to uni next September as in expected to! Theres so much to risk when workers go on strike. In some cases, teachers get paid better on their progress and success of their students, better exam results reflect on their wage- if they are striking then their students miss out and are less likely to do well, however, if they are gven better pay, they wont have to strike. Its a bit of a viscious circle really!
Sorry Kez but i disagree with ya there! I think the lectures have every right to go on strike! Why should school teachers be paid more than college lectures?" Wouldn't you be pretty pissed off that another person is getting paid more than you are for doing practically the same job? It's not all that easy doing what they do, just think of the shit that they get from snotty nosed little shit's who think they're it and that's not even part of thier job's! Do i make sense when i ramble on? :angel: