Taxi drivers I've been away a few times to other cities and noticed a few things about the taxi drivers you get after being clubbing 1. They never seem to know where you're hotel is (or pretend not to know) 2. Most of them aren't even proper taxi drivers 3. They never have a meter, meaning you have to agree a price before getting in 4. If you forget to do this they try to make up an extortionate amount then try and charge you loads if you want to get out straight away 5. They drive through blatant red lights Does nowhere else seem to have any laws or is it just cos they know you're not from round there. In Newcastle if a private cab picks up on the street they get done.
Oh God don't talk to me about taxi drivers after Saturday's goings-on! :evil: Bastard Stockton Taxis! :evil: :evil: :evil: Dropped us off in the middle of Yarm and told us the Golden Jubilee was "just up there". Couldn't see it, asked two doormen outside a pub, "Never heard of it". One of 'em rang his mate and goes "Oh right, that one. Yeah mate it's a bout a mile up the road" :evil:
haha you got well done, to be fair that pub is only 2 months old so they may not of known where it was. did you walk up or get more taxis???
Years ago I was @ Edinburgh Haymarket train station looking for a cab when all of a sudden a Blue Line taxi turns up drops this bloke off I ask the Blue Line taxi driver if he can take us to our hotel and he does for FREE!!!!!
We walked mate! We weren't sure if we were going the right way, so we were askin people on the way up, an they were just givin Beanz & Chris funny looks with their green pants on and ignoring us!
i got a taxi in Dublin last year, and the driver was a complete bastard, charged be 30 euro's for what would have been a 15 euro trip apparently. and he kept asking me were abouts in the 'northern ireland' i was from, creaped me out alot.
yeah several of my non-clubby mates reported sightings of cyberkids in the highstreet! yarms not exactly renound for its friendliness, more its pretentiousness.
Yeah, when the two doormen asked where we were from we were like "cough cough...newcastle...cough". They were surprisingly fine though. Probably scared of Chris & Slash's pants!
I always thought that there was a law that taxis had to have a meter so they couldn't charge what they liked.
Liverpool taxi driver's are mad. never shut all the way and then don't know where their going and I had to get the a-z off them and show them where it was and it was my first time in L'pool just got to say that blue line taxis are fantastic. every firm should be like them
Im from consett and the 2main companies are Atlas and Neashams. Both are very reasonable prices, 22quid to the town and back(there and back). Thing is tho how a Vauxhall Cavelier can achieve speeds of 140mph i dont know
And he was kind enuff to charge us £18 for the privelege. Only from the formula 1 in stockton. Not sure but i only thought it was 5 or 6 miles. :evil: Im gonna write a letter of complaint for a laugh. It will be filed in the round filing cabinet under the managers desk, or il get compensation! Its amazing what u can get when u complain!
Sheffield and Birmingham taxis are the worst. Sheffield taxis don't know where they're going Birmingham taxis know where they're going, they just let on they don't
i think newcastle's taxi's are ok if u arent travelling very far. however if u are going a distance - like myself - i find they can cost a bloody arm and a leg.
like webba said consett taxi firms r ok...........i always use neashams cos i know that many of the drivers.............. they were so kind to not charge us any extra when they eventually picked us up on sun morning!!!