Taxi Driver A taxi driver is driving down a New York street, when he sees a nun stood at the side of the road. She flags him down, and he pulls over and says "Hop in Sister! Where to?" She asks to go to Brooklyn, and he says: "That's a long way sister. Mind if we talk?" Nun:"Of course not my son, what's on your mind?" TD: "It's this celibacy thing... don't you ever, like, think about it?" Nun: "Of course I do, my son. I am only human and subject to the temptations of the mortal flesh." TD: "Well, would you ever, like, think about doing it?" Nun: "Well, he'd have to be Catholic, incapable of having children, and unmarried." TD: "Sister, this is your lucky day - I'm all three! Hop up front and give us a blow job?" So the nun hops up front, and gives the driver a blow job. When she comes back up, he starts laughing, and she asks him what he's laughing at. TD: "Sister, you've been 'ad. I'm a Protestant, on my second marriage, with 4 kids." Nun: "That's OK - my name's Dave and I'm on my way to a costume party