take that@promise hi peeps been trying to get my sis claire to go to promise for ages, she usually goes to the bigg market on fridays. to the likes of that beer boy favourite blue bamboo and others just like it, ive been tying to explain to her for ages just wot she's been missing.......anyway ,our claire was the ultimate take that fan back in the day, and somehow she's found out that howard donald is doing the back room at the next promise nite. Q. should i bring her with me or ban her from going anywhere near the place? jam'e'tron:cyber:
take her along! i was sobre when howard donald played the back room & i made a tit of myself & then sent myself home!
Yeah.. deffo take her along.. I would take my sis to foundation.. but she prefers to spend her nights in watchin dvds / playin ps2 @ her lads
lol did he ever sing in take that?? :spangled: he was just there to make the numbers up and dance in the background. :laugh:
dont even think about not taking her! get her into the world of real music! last time howrad played at foundation, i made a right tit outta meself, telling him about all the vids and posters i used to have of him and the takethat boys!....bet he gets it every where, bless! xx
howard donald is a class dj, but if she doesnt apriciate that typr of thing,k i suggest you go with the whole take that thing. im sure i didnt sound too mad when i went on and on and on asking if he had robbies number???!!!