Supercalegobalisticcelticareattrocious SORRY but i have to use that headline again SUPERCALEGOBALISTICCELTICAREATTROCIOUS inverness caledonian thistle 1 celtic 0
it is illegal to look at such picture my friend, the graphic description that you yourself gave was enough to come to the conclusion that it was out of order, and you probibly know that now, as i put in the reply to you pm to me, if you put summat like that up, expect some harshness in your direction, but your resonse to it does not reflect well on you, what did you expect when you put it up?
nah the peeps who did described it to me, comments like........ "thats just pure fucking sick" "YOU SICK FUCK!!!!!! COME ON THATS A LIL KID MAN!!!! FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!!" "Sick Fuck" ......... kinda said it all