super computer attached to a fat plasma anyone done this? im planning on making my next computer earlier in the new year and im wonderig if anyone has got their computer linked upto a massive plasma tele (which they also use for watching tele).
Thats what I was thinking. Seen it on the telly like so it'll be ok but not as good as a proper monitor I wouldnt think!
It can't really be run at a high resolution if you're using it for computer stuff.. Just gone to check and ours is on 1024 x 768 - it's usable as a monitor, but I wouldn't want to be using it to write word documents. class monitor that, weve got some at work
I have this yeah! Its fukkin FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Got a 26" LCD for my room....the screen quality blows away any laptop screens or TFT's Run in its native resolution of 1280 * 768 and ur onto a winner Have the TV on in a little box (resizable and moveable) and im onto a winner lol.
ive got a 42" plasma tv and my laptop connects no bother at 1024x768. Even got all the leads supplied with the tv.
whats the native resolution of ur plasma? cos 1024 * 768 seems a bit low. find out what the native resolution is, crank ur gfx card upto that and be amazed